Monday, February 15, 2010

This Too Shall Pass (Gam Zeh Yaavor)- The Road to Recovery

Out of curiosity as to what this phrase meant,googled it and found some interesting story which gives you insight about the wisdom behind this quote. The story goes like this.

King Solomon, feeling blue, asked his advisory to find him a ring he had once seen in a dream.

"When I feel satisfied I’m afraid that it won’t last. And when I don’t, I am afraid my sorrow will go on forever. Find me the ring that will ease my suffering." he demanded.

Solomon sent out all of his advisory, and eventually one of them met an old jeweler who carved into a simple gold band the inscription, "this too shall pass." When the king received his ring and read the inscription, his sorrows turned to joy and his joy to sorrows, and then both gave way to equanimity.