Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Gadgets or Girls.... Dilemma in a Geek's life

Today i saw a forthcoming book "A nerd's guide to dating"... Well some people think Geeks are just into gadgets and they don't care about girls.... Well though gadgets are our first love, we do care about girls ...just don't know how to express it ....and even if we do it, the "Invalid Protocol" error always welcomes us.... so here's some things which i learnt in the encounters with these species (or rather when i tried to encounter....)

Girls and Gadgets.... These are the two G-spots of a nerd's life and today i am going to touch just those....

It's not easy to remember all the encounters but and it's better to forget most of them when you are at my place... but some like the first times cannot just be forgotten... it was class 7th and being a junior scientist you already have what a certified geek needs.... other boys just leave you alone.... and then suddenly out of nowhere there is this girl... a new girl.... so you just rely on your area of expertise to impress... and that's science

So there i was in chemistry lab.... carefully chosen a place near her... Hmmm... just when she is looking I played my ace card.... emptied my pen's ink in the test tube... made sure she is looking... but in that process also attracted too many people's attention... now I mixed acid to ink it turned brown... then i simply put the alkaly to the mixture... and guess what I got my blue back.... I looked at her....she was amazed... score +1 .... I opened my greedy bloody mouth to score again ... "Which reaction is it.... Chemical or Physical ?? "..... She replied.... "Is that in Syllabus???"

And the last thing i heard was everyone laughing....

.............. (I fainted.... score -9.9999e6823... Just think how many Chemistry sessions needed just to level the scores.... So i simply stopped playing this game atleast in the school)

1st Lesson Learned : Do not go out of Syllabus.....

Then came college and i got introduced to my first love.... Gadgets... and just when you think this life you'll live happily ever after.... girls come and create new love triangles and you have to face the unfathomable dilemma which you've never experienced...

So first things first.. Dating is never easy.... especially for geeks.... it's like a java programmer trying to debug an assembly code...

but here is the most important tip... go ask yourself.... don't use any tools specially IM... you cant really be sure who is sitting on the other side can you?? and how to ask... I leave it to your imagination... try not to be technical.... technical love letters just look good in forwards... they don't really go well with girls...

The date is very very important... whatever you do just don't be normal.... everything will be fine ... I know you just cant refrain from noticing their gadgets but just keep the conversations to non technical subjects.... cause may be ARM is just a physical organ for her ... she doesn't have to know which ARM is powering her latest iPhone.... even if you mention it, you may end up RISCing your date....

If she mentions her iPod and the new Bose headphones then what we have to understand you got yourself a techie.... don't be excited... the risk is actually doubled.... just whatever she says about the gadgets, just try to ignore or change the subject.... cause for her best gadget is may be the cutest or the most popular .... you don't have to start the debate on the SNR of iPod and the costliest isnt always the best.... may be you could try to listen to her iPod for a while just to divert your mind from the better and cheaper alternatives of iPod and the Bose...

If the date was successful and you are seeing the girl... she'll need many suggestions from you.... such as which PC to buy.... just don't go on using your technical expertize to get her a high end gaming PC when she can still do well with a refurbished Dot station.... and that's even cuter and cheaper....

Sometimes even in your expertize you just have to surrender it to the fate..... electrical appliances are just those things...... just leave them to the girls.... just accept they know it better than you...just in case your ego does not allow your to shut up, give meagre comments like "Hey that looks better na?"

And there would be moments you just wont be able to take it..... the geek inside you wouldn't just keep quiet at that moment try not start debate like geeks do.... What i mean is just dont argue like this....


you must be thinking who is this guy??? Well guess what even after so many tips and trick am still searching... may be this new book will have enough tips and tricks to get myself the latest version of a GF.... till then i'll rely on the reviews of the others GFs....

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